Life is full of challenges and separating from your partner is no exception. It is often a complicated and isolating process but can also provide the opportunity to take control and give your life a new focus when approached in the right way.

One of the most important issues to consider is your financial settlement, which involves navigating a series of complex decisions. When considering how to approach issues such as short-term savings, credit card debt and disposable income, it’s essential to seek support from a team of professional advisers who can help you make informed choices.

Our advisers are on hand to guide you through your separation, and consider a wide range of issues:

  • Setting up your budget

    As your financial situation changes, an atomos wealth planner can help you to adjust. Living alone can be more expensive and we can analyse your monthly incomings and outgoings to create a budgeting plan that works for you. This will help you to understand your current financial position and show you how to plan for your new financial future.

  • Planning for retirement

    As you navigate your separation, you may find you need to reconsider your plans for retirement. We can help you understand what has changed and what actions need to be taken to ensure you have a comfortable retirement.

    For many people, their pension is their most important and valuable asset. Our financial advisers can answer your questions and guide you in the right direction – whether you need to rebuild your pension rights following a divorce settlement or put in place an appropriate investment plan.

  • Protecting your income

    Unexpected events can have a dramatic impact on everyone involved. As your situation changes, you may need to reassess your protection arrangements. Working together, we can organise insurance policies that protect you and your family no matter what happens.

    We can safeguard a future income if you die or are unable to work through illness – including whole of life cover, fixed term life cover, critical illness cover and disability income protection. Our dedicated insurance protection desk has the skills, experience and market access required for meeting your specific needs.

  • What to do with the family home

    When separating from your partner, thinking about what to do with the family home is one of the biggest choices you may face. Whether you decide to sell, arrange a buyout, transfer part of the value, or make no change to ownership, we can guide you through the process.

    When it comes to mortgages, financing a new move or taking sole responsibility of an existing mortgage can be overwhelming. We can help by reviewing an existing mortgage if you are looking to transfer it into one name. Or if you are looking for a new start, we can ease the process of financing and moving into a new home.

A separation can be emotionally draining, but we are here to relieve the financial strain and create a plan for your new financial future.

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The value of investments and any income from them can fall and you may get back less than you invested.